“Ms. Bartlett, The Judge ruled from the bench and he found your testimony to be credible and compelling. He adopted ALL your findings. We are so happy with the great result. ”
Family Law Attorney
Santa Barbara, CA

Kelly Bartlett is a nationally certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor and Diplomat, American Board Vocational Expert with over twenty-five (25) years of experience providing Vocational Rehabilitation services and litigation support within federal and state court systems. She has a Masters of Education (M.Ed.) in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and a Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation (B.S.R.). Her office is located in Santa Barbara, California. Her practice includes clients and cases on a national and statewide basis.
Ms. Bartlett provides forensic vocational assessments to determine employability, job placeability, earning capacity or loss of, return to work modified or with accommodations, transferability of skills, labor market research, and vocational exploration via career counseling. She is especially knowledgeable of the Southern California labor market and impairments involving psychological and musculoskeletal disabilities.
∙ Testified on 3,000+ cases as a Vocational Expert in United States Administrative Law Judge hearings for Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR)
∙ Recognized as an Independent Vocational Evaluator (IVE) and Vocational Return to Work Counselor (VRTWC) with State of California, Department of Industrial Relations
∙ Successfully closed or assisted in the closure of cases within the following disability systems: CA Workers’ Compensation, Veteran’s Administration Chapter 31 Program, State of California Department of Rehabilitation, Long-Term Disability, U.S. Dept. of Labor, Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs, State Teachers’ Retirement System and related
∙ Provided forensic expert witness litigation support for cases in the following legal systems: CA Workers’ Compensation (Diminished Future Earning Capacity – DFEC and LeBoeuf assessments and rebuttals) and Superior Court (Family Law – Code 4331 training/vocational evaluations)
Next Steps…
Think Kelly has what it takes to take on your case? Contact her for more info!